티스토리 뷰
Harry Potter Page to Screen
책이 생각보다 크고 무겁더라구요~ 그만큼 안에 내용도꽤 알차서 좋았습니다!!어떤식으로 촬영을 했는지도 자세하게 잘 나와있어요!!평소에 해리포터를 보면서 어떤식으로 촬영했는지 궁금해 했던 부분을 알게 되어서 좋은것 같아요~ 소품이나 촬영현장, 위에 사진처럼 건물이나 촬영에 필요한 특수분장 등 꼼꼼하게 잘나와있어요!영어로 나와있어서 읽긴 쉽지 안겠지만 사진이 많아서 좋았어요^^해리포터 팬이라면 보면 좋을것 같은 책입니다~
Harry Potter: Page to Screen opens the doors to Hogwarts castle and the wizarding world of Harry Potter to reveal the complete behind-the-scenes secrets, techniques, and over-the-top artistry that brought J.K. Rowling’s acclaimed novels to cinematic life. Developed in collaboration with the creative team behind the celebrated movie series, this deluxe, 500-plus page compendium features exclusive stories from the cast and crew, hundreds of never-before-seen photographs and concept illustrations sourced from the closed film sets, and rare memorabilia. As the definitive look at the magic that made cinematic history, Page to Screen is the ultimate collectible, perfect for Muggles everywhere.
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